APS Team Staff Resource Guide
As a valued member of the APS Team, your commitment to excellence and dedication to your students is of the utmost importance in ensuring our students reach their fullest potential. As the Superintendent of Schools, I thank you for your daily efforts and commit to working with you as we strive toward our goal of educational excellence for each and every student.
I encourage you to regularly refer to this Staff Resource Guide - which will be a continual work in progress where additional relevant items are regularly added - as a reference when you have questions, need to complete paperwork, or to ensure you have a strong knowledge of pertinent policies and procedures.
Thank you for being an integral member of the APS Team!
- District IPDP Form
- Application for Approval of a Course
- Degree Change Form Notification
- Course Reimbursement Form
- Direct Deposit Slip
- Employer's First Report of Injury/Medical Only Notice of Injury - Please send completed forms to the Central Office.
- EPIMS Information for District Data Coordinator
- Field Trip Request Form
- Leave of Absence Request Form
- Intent To Retire Form
- Mileage Reimbursement Request
- APS Standard Mileage
- Name Change Form for DESE
- Out-of-District Conference Request
- Requisition Form
- Request For Reimbursement
- Acceptable Use Policy for Employees, IJNDB-A
- Alcohol Use, JICH.pdf
- Bullying Prevention, JICFB
- Conduct and Professionalism, GBEB
- Employee Roles, GBED
- Expense Reimbursements, DKC
- Field Trip Criteria, IJOA-1
- Field Trips, IJOA
- Hazing Prohibition, JICFA
- Hazing, JICFA-E
- Harassment Form, JICFA-E1
- Electronic Communication and the Maintenance of Professional Boundaries, IJNDD
- Physical Restraint of Students, JKAA
- Tobacco Use, JICH
- Video Usage in Classrooms, IJKA
- Visitors to the School, KI
Substitutes, Student Teachers, and Classroom Observations