APS District Mission Statement:
Strengthening Connections
through Rigor, Relevance and Relationships
Since March 28, 2012, a team of AEA members and Auburn administrators has met to review the new Educator Evaluation Regulations that were approved by the Board of Education on June 28, 2011. One of our charges was to determine, per DESE requirements, whether to adopt, adapt, or revise the model contractual language created and published by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. At the final subcommittee meeting of May 8, 2012, the unanimous decision to adopt was made. It is our recommendation, therefore, that the AEA and the School Committee vote in support of our recommendation.
As stated in the "Collective Bargaining" document provided as part of "Part I: District-Level Planning and Implementation Guide," "Unlike the regulations promulgated in 1995, these educator evaluation regulations explicitly envision modification." An Educator Evaluation Subcommittee will continue to meet throughout at least the next three school years to review additional requirements and make recommendations on how each can best serve the educators and educational program of the Auburn Public Schools, while still meeting our obligations as outlined in the regulations.
This will be a collaborative ongoing process characterized by open communication and respectful dialogue.
Auburn Public Schools Resources
Year 3 of Educator Evaluation - Opening Day PPT by Dr. Brunelle
Building on Our Successes - Opening Day Educator Evaluation PPT by Dr. Brunelle
APS DDMs for the 2014-2015 School Year
Ed Eval Timeline by Month for Educators on a 1-Year Cycle
Ed Eval Timeline by Month for Educators on a 2-Year Cycle
Form 4B Elementary Exemplar - Formative Evaluation with Response 4
Form 5 Elementary Exemplar - Summative Evaluation with Response 3
Form 5 Secondary Exemplar - Summative Evaluation with Response 2
Sample SMART Goals
Timeline and Directions on TeachPoint Forms
TeachPoint Forms
Auburn Teacher Self-Assessment
SISP Self-Assessment
Goal and Educator Plan
Formal Narrative Observation
Classroom Walkthrough
Collection of Evidence
DESE Resources
Overview of Regulations on Evaluation of Educators
Ed Eval Survey Summary as of July 8, 2013
Educator Evaluation Regulations approved 6-28-2011
Educator Eval Timelines 1 & 2-year cycles
Educator Evaluation Frequently Asked Questions
Rubrics - Teachers - for Educator Evaluations
SMART goal sample
Ed Eval Training Schedule