Immunizations for School

Vaccines play an important role in keeping our community healthy and free of communicable diseases. “Vaccines protect both the person vaccinated and those around them from serious diseases, a concept known as herd immunity. Herd immunity protects other members of the community, such as babies too young to be vaccinated or those who cannot receive immunizations because of a medical condition” (Massachusetts Department of Public Health). 

In the state of Massachusetts, some of these immunizations are required in order for children to attend school (see MA School Immunization Requirements). Students may only be eligible for exclusion from this requirement under a medical or religious exemption. Medical exemptions to some or all vaccines must be submitted in the form of a letter signed by your child’s doctor. Religious exemptions to some or all vaccines may be allowable if parents complete the following form: Religious Exemption Form. Both exemption letters must be updated yearly with the school health office to be considered valid. 

School Immunizations

Vaccines for Parents- CDC

Certificate of Immunization