Mandated Screenings
School Nurses conduct the following health screenings annually as required by state mandates:
VISION: Pre-K through 5, Grade 7 and Grade 10
HEARING: Kindergarten through Grade 3, Grade 7 and Grade 10
POSTURAL (SCOLIOSIS): Grades 5 through 9
GROWTH (BMI): Grades 1, 4, 7 and 10
SBIRT (Conducted by the Guidance Department) (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment): Grades 7 and 10
All parents/guardians have the option to opt their students out of any given screening, provided notice is provided to the school nurse in writing. Any student who does not pass a health screening in school (with the exception of BMI and SBIRT) will be referred for follow-up with their pediatrician or specialist. Parents/guardians can request the results from any screening conducted at school for their child.